Sunday, February 25, 2007

Weird Sunday.

Yet another grey day on the Mediterrenean coast but I went for a bike ride anyway. It's one of those days when everyone looks really weird. You know, people whose head looks too big for their bodies. I also saw a mountain biker almost get run over on the main road because nobody pays any attention to traffic lights on Sundays. Then after the biker had got back on his bike he was almost run over by a motorcyclist who came screaming through at about 120 kms an hour. It's only been two weeks since a fatal motorbike accident 100 metres down the same road.

The drawing is Maureen Chlorine visiting the work of French sculptor Christian Thomas.

Well worth a visit. I am going to do a six panel strip using a combination of his work along with a Maureen cartoon but it is taking a devilishly long time to do as I keep switching between CorelPaint, Adobe and Paintshop Pro.


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