Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Not Smoking but Loony.

I'm on day 28 or something, no smoking, still waiting to notice all the wonderful advantages of being smoke free. I have to say I was astonished to find that for the first three days my skin actually reeked of tobacco...and my skin is sort of changing colour. So, I will hang in there. I also came across a lady with a veritable gift for writing. I found her on Quit Net where she described blood clots the size of bannana slugs sliding out of her throat...all due to having been a smoker. This image immediately impaled itself into my brain and I messaged her instantly. This lady has possibly saved me from ever smoking again. However, I will stop making such self righteous statements and shut up about smoking. There is nothing worse than an ex. And that applies to any ex.

It is time to do another batch for the Maureen Chlorine Comic Strip. I have plenty of ideas but my hands haven't felt like drawing recently. That's what a trip away does to me. Other people come back with overflowing sketchbooks. I come back with 20 new patchwork squares (windmill pattern).

The winds are still bashing the coast here. Plastic chairs from the bars all over the beach.


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