Wednesday, November 14, 2007

More than One of Me?

How weird is this? I'm going through old accounts and updating things and come across my page on My Space which I had forgotten about mainly because I can't figure out how to upload stuff there. Anyway...I typed in my name "Maureen Chlorine" and up comes this 99 year old in the States with the same name. How did we land up with the same name? Is there a REAL Maureen Chlorine out there? Is the name from the depths of my subconcious and I didn't invent it at all? Am I going to have to change the name of my cartoon character? I can't do would be like changing my own name. How strange. I will take this as a sign to get off my backside about Maureen. She's been hibernating for months. I should put her back on paper instead of being digital.

Talking of signs...there is a skylong-length cloud above the mountains outside. It is flat, pure white and the air is like looking through frosted glass. What am I supposed to be seeing? A confusing day to say the least.

Anyway, I sent the other Maureen Chlorine a message. I wonder if she will reply? "Dear Maureen", she might say, "Maureen is not my real name."
Not mine either.


Blogger Catherine Czerkawska said...

There could never be more than one Maureen Chlorine....

8:02 pm  

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