If I were a cartoon I would have smoke coming out my ears today. I saw, for the first time, the paperwork needed in Britain, for a Home Information Pack, which is a delightful scam the government there has invented for getting money out of people when they sell a house. I cannot believe the stupidity of some of the many hundreds of questions. How about this...
Bathroom fitments...please mark Included, Excluded, None.
Taps, Plugs, Soap and toothbrush holders, Toilet Roll holders
and in External areas...
Water butts
Clothes line
Television and telephone...
Television aerial (in another part of the questionnaire it asks where is the television aerial)
Radio aerial.
Apart from the fact that I am mad at the idiocy of a person who would quibble over a toilet roll holder etc, it's a huge scam, an utter waste of printing and paper, an appalling waste of the seller's time, the buyer's time, the estate agents, the solicitors. And what a SAD, SAD reflection of what Britain has turned into.
AND; AND:::::A British estate agent here in Spain actually stabbed a guy to death two days ago over a house deal. What is wrong with the world?
I've got to find some nice music here.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQJMbFDX4Dk&feature=relatedLabels: Home Information Pack, PhillipSear